If you owe back taxes you cannot afford, the IRS offers multiple programs that can potentially reduce your tax debt or allow you to pay off the debt over time. Discover if you qualify for these programs below.

In as little as 15 minutes, Americans with back taxes may qualify for relief through the new IRS Fresh Start Program. 

This new program offers real relief to those who owe thousands in back taxes. In some cases, over 90 percent of back taxes owed have been forgiven by the IRS, but Americans still struggle to take advantage of the program. It’s true: tax laws are complicated and frequently changing, so it’s hard to know where to find legitimate relief. Luckily, tax relief companies across the country continue to rise up and fill the gaps. 

When taxpayers fill out our Tax Relief Survey, they are able to see if they qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Relief Program and get paired with a reputable firm in just minutes. These experts are ready to help you begin your journey towards tax resolution. 

In 2021, the IRS has more flexibility than ever when it comes to analyzing a taxpayer’s ability to pay back taxes, making the Fresh Start Program available to a larger group of taxpayers. If you have been denied access to relief programs in the past, you may still qualify for relief today. 

Thanks to a recent expansion of the Fresh Start Program, access to monthly payment plans and settlement agreements are now streamlined. A settlement agreement allows taxpayers to settle their debt for less than the full amount!

Take our 60-second quiz to see if you qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program!

Though IRS bureaucracy is too complicated for the average American to take on, resources are readily available for those who need tax debt relief. Don’t miss out on this program when you could be saving thousands!

Join thousands of taxpayers in America who are turning to reputable tax firms, and ensure you receive the most relief possible. 

Many Americans do not realize they qualify for tax relief because they never took the time to check their eligibility. 

Remember, it is 100 percent FREE to see if you qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program. A few minutes could help save you thousands!


With each day that passes, your tax debt grows larger and larger due to penalties and fees. Depending on the state where you live, your eligibility may vary. Select your state to see if you qualify! 

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