When you’re weighed down with thousands of dollars in back taxes the last thing you want to do is deal with the IRS. Fighting with them is a full-time job. This is where the new IRS Fresh Start Program comes in. By taking this quick survey you can find out in a matter of minutes if you qualify for tax debt relief. 

This program is a new way reputable tax debt relief companies across the US are helping Americans in debt save thousands of dollars. If you qualify for financial hardship, you could potentially be 100 percent relieved of your tax debt.


New developments in the program have allowed the process to become more streamlined, giving easier access to Installment Agreements and Offers In Compromise (OIC). These two options could allow you to pay back less than what you owe or nothing at all. 

It is 100 percent FREE to take our survey to see if you qualify! The Fresh Start Program will connect you with a reputable tax debt relief firm whose experts are ready to help save you thousands of dollars. 

Take the next step and see if the IRS Fresh Start Relief Program is right for you!